Printer's Apprentice
Cocktails, coffee, prestige dining and good times, all available at the Printer's Apprentice – York's newest and best cocktail bar.
Located just off the historic street of Stonegate and a stone’s throw from York Minster, the Printer's Apprentice occupies the old printer’s production rooms of Thomas Gent. Thomas Gent was an interesting character to say the least and I put together an extended excerpt from his autobiography for customers to learn more about him.
The printer’s devil was a common sign for printers at the time of Thomas Gent and a small red devil can still be seen on the street of Stonegate. This is where the printer’s shop front used to be and the location of the alleyway leading to the Printer's Apprentice.
In collaboration with the owners I created the devil printing press logo you see on this page. I initially sketched up the idea and then created the final logo. I also arranged the routing of a new side-lit perspex sign for the exterior.